Before you list your next home, get it professionally measured.
  • Agents, Improve Your Value to Your Clients: Be certain of the size, and be confident of the price that will get it sold quickly, and at the best price for your clients. Although many agents obtain the size of a home from a previous listing in the MLS, or from public tax records, neither of these sources may be accurate. Reduce or avoid contract problems over the size of your listing by engaging us for Measuring Services to give you the actual square footage before you list the home for sale. If you don’t know the actual size of the home, how can you be confident of the market value?
  • Order a Pre-Listing Measure You’ll receive a sketch and room layout of the home within 1 to 2 days after the scheduled appointment. This sketch can also be used for marketing the home – we’ll provide you with a .pdf that you can post in your MLS Supplements, or include in fliers, postcards or other marketing material. You can deduct the cost as a business expense, or ask your client to pay. They may also find this useful for correcting county property tax records.
  • Peace of Mind: When you have the sketch and the data to back up what you represent to be the size of your listing, your CMA and your guidance to your seller for pricing are stronger. Stand behind the numbers for your real estate pricing recommendations with confidence and peace of mind.

When you need more than just a calculation of a home’s Gross Living Area (GLA), our home measuring service can also provide a more detailed representation of a home’s layout and/or interior room measurements. Our home sketches show accurate exterior wall measurements of the dwelling. See the sample sketches at the bottom of this page.


  • 1,500 sq. ft. or less..…………………………………………..$200
  • 1,501-3,000 sq. ft...……………………………………………$225
  • 3,001-5,000 sq. ft..…………………………………………….$250
  • 5,001 and up...…………………………………………………Call for Quote
  • Interior room measuring..............................………......Add $25
  • Interior room detail outline added to sketch.................Add $100

Orders for Home Measuring Services:

Sample Sketches:
Sample Sketch 1.pdf
Sample Sketch 2.pdf
Sample Sketch 3.pdf